
6月2日-6月3日国际会议:International Symposium on the Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems
2014/05/19 | 来源:科研处-罗巧芳| 【字号: 】【打印】【关闭



  Sponsors: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

                     Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

                     Anhui Agricultural University 

  June 2: 

  8:00-8:15am: Checking in 

  8:15-8:30am: Welcome from co-Chairs and Wuhan Botanical Garden, and Project Introduction 

  8:30-9:00: Hongsheng Zhou, China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program: Past Achievements, Current Status and Future Directions 

  9:00-9:40am: Bojie Fu, Ecosystem services changing under GfG Program in the Loess Plateau of China 

  9:40-10:20am Guobin Liu, Title TBA 

  Coffee Break 10:20-10:30am 

  10:30-11:00am:  A-Xing Zhu, Digital soil mapping in the digital age   

  11:00-11:20am: Zhiqiang Zhang, Forest and Water Relations: Decoupling the Combined Effects of Landuse/cover and Climate Variability at Watershed Scale. 

  11:20-11:40am Xiaoniu Xu, Soil C and N dynamics in different plantations under Grain-for-Green Program in Anhui 

  11:40-12:00am Kerong Zhang, Changes in vegetation and soil properties during secondary succession following agricultural abandonment 

  12:00-1:00pm Lunch Break  

  1:00-1:30pm Dick Bilsborrow, The use of surveys to collect data to evaluate programs like the SLPC in China 

  1:30-1:50pm Pam Jagger, Environmental income and rural livelihoods: findings from a global comparative study on forests and livelihoods 

  1:50-2:10pm Kun Zhang, The Environmental Supply of Farm HouseholdsEvidence from China’s Conversion of Cropland to Forests Program 

  2:10-2:30pm Xiaodong Chen, Evaluating the impacts of payments for ecosystem services 

  2:30-2:50pm Coffee Break 

  2:50-3:20pm: Larry Band, Hydroclimate and flowpath mediated evolution of forest canopy patterns:  Recipes for restoration? 

  3:20-3:50pm: Ge Sun, Relationships between Reforestation and Water Resources:  Science, Public Perception, and Policy Implications in China  

  3:50-4:10pm Xiaohuan (Adam) Wei*, Interactions among climatic variability, forest disturbance and hydrology: implications for long-term streamflow dynamics. (To be confirmed). 

  4:10-4:30pm Qi Zhang, Land-cover/Land-use change before and after the implementation of Natural Forest Protection and Sloping Land Conversion Programs in Tianma Nature Research, Anhui. 

  4:30-4:50pm, Conghe Song, Contrasting impacts of Sloping Land Conversion Program and Natural Forest Protection Program on Participating Households Livelihoods. 

  June 3: 

  Morning: 8:30-10:30am Panel Discussion on Strategies to understand the dynamics of the coupled natural and human systems, including data collection in both the natural and human systems, data analysis method, modeling strategies, short- and medium- term goals that can be achieved with the project. 

  Afternoon: Optional Tour of Wuhan 





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