2013/04/15 | 来源:| 【字号: 】【打印】【关闭

  1、Xinzeng Wei and Mingxi Jiang.2012.Contrasting relationships between species diversity and genetic diversity in natural and disturbed forest tree communities.New Phytologist.193: 779-786.(SCI,IF:6.645)

  2、Yi Wang,Evan Siemann,Gregory S. Wheeler,Lin Zhu,Xue Gu and Jianqing Ding.2012.Genetic variation in anti-herbivore chemical defences in an invasive plant.Journal of Ecology.100:894-904.(SCI,IF:5.044)

  3、Wei Huang,Juli Carrillo,Jianqing Ding and Evan Siemann.2012.Invader partitions ecological and evolutionary responses to above- and belowground herbivory.Ecology.93(11): 2343-2352.(SCI,IF:4.849)

  4、Liyan Yin,Benjamin P. Colman,Bonnie M. McGill,Justin P. Wright,Emily S. Bernhardt.2012.Effects of Silver Nanoparticle Exposure on Germination and Early Growth of Eleven Wetland Plants.Plos One. 7 (10): e47674.(SCI,IF:4.092)

  5、Xiufang Wang,Wen Zhou,Jing Lu,Haibin Wang,Chan Xiao,Jing Xia,Guihua Liu.2012.Effects of Population Size on Synchronous Display of Female and Male Flowers and Reproductive Output in Two Monoecious Sagittaria Species.Plos One.7(10):e48731.(SCI,IF:4.092)

  6、Mei Yang,Yanni Han,Robert VanBuren,Ray Ming,Liming Xu,Yuepeng Han and Yanling Liu.2012.Genetic linkage maps for Asian and American lotus constructed using novel SSR markers derived from the genome of sequenced cultivar. BMC Genomics.13:653.(SCI,IF:4.073)

  7、Mingxun Ren,Jingyu Tang.2012.Up and down: stamen movements in Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae)enhance both outcrossing and delayed selfing.Annals of Botany.110: 1017-1025.(SCI,IF:4.03)

  8、Lingyun Chen,Jinming Chen,Robert Wahiti Gituru,Tamru Demsis Temam,Qingfeng Wang.2012.Generic phylogeny and historical biogeography of Alismataceae, inferred from multiple DNA sequences.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.63:407-416.(SCI,IF:3.609)

  9、Lingyun Chen,Jinming Chen,Robert Wahiti Gituru and Qingfeng Wang.2012.Generic phylogeny,historical biogeography and character evolution of the cosmopolitan aquatic plant family Hydrocharitaceae.BMC Evolutionary Biology.12:30.(SCI,IF:.3.521)

  10、Wei Huang,Juli Carrillo,Jianqing Ding,Evan Siemann.2012.Interactive effects of herbivory and competition intensity determine invasive plant performance.Oecologia.170:373-382.(SCI,IF:3.412)

  11、Chen Ye,Xiaoli Cheng,Yulong Zhang,Zhixi Wang,Quanfa Zhang.2012.Soil nitrogen dynamics following short-term revegetation in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Ecological Engineering.38:37-44.(SCI,IF:3.106)

  12、Jing Lu,Haibin Wang,Min Pan,Jing Xia,Wei Xing,Guihua Liu.2012.Using sediment seed banks and historical vegetation change data to develop restoration criteria for a eutrophic lake in China.Ecological Engineering.39:95-103.(SCI,IF:3.106)

  13、Jianxiong Liao,Juan Chen,Mingxi Jiang and HandongHuang.2012.Leaf traits and persistence of relict and endangered tree species in a rare plant community.Functional Plant Biology.39:512-518.(SCI,IF:2.929)

  14、Xinmin Lu,Jianqing Ding.2012.History of exposure to herbivores increases the compensatory ability of an invasive plant.Biological Invasions.14:649-658. (SCI,IF:2.896)

  15、Hongsheng Jiang,Ming Li,Fengyi Chang,Wei Li and Liyan Yin.2012.Physiological analysis of silver nanoparticles and AgNO3 toxicity to spirodela polyrhiza.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.31(8):1880-1886.(SCI,IF:2.809)

  16、Juli Carrilloa,Yi Wang,Jiangqing Ding,Evan Siemanna.2012.Induction of extrafloral nectar depends on herbivore type in invasive and native Chinese tallow seedlings.Basic and Applied Ecology.13:449-457.(SCI,IF:2.669)

  17、Chao Xu,Zhiyuan Du,Jinming Chen and Qingfeng Wang.2012.Microsatell primers for the endangered aquatic herb,ottella acuminate(Hydrocharitaceae). American Journal of Botany.e262-e264. (SCI,IF:2.664)

  18、Xiao Shu, Liyan Yin, Quanfa Zhang,Weibo Wang.2012.Effect of Pb toxicity on leaf growth,antioxidant enzyme activities, and photosynthesis in cuttings and seedlings of Jatropha curcas L.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.19:893-902.(SCI,IF:2.651)

  19、Wenzhi Liu, Siyue Li,Hongmei Bu,Quanfa Zhang, Guihua Liu. 2012. Eutrophication in the Yunnan Plateau lakes: the influence of lake morphology, watershed land use, and socioeconomic factors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.19:858-870.(SCI,IF:2.651)

  20、Wenzhi Liu,Quanfa Zhang and Guihua Liu.2012.Influences of watershed landscape composition and configuration on lake-water quality in the Yangtze River basin of China. Hydrological Processes.26:570-578.(SCI,IF:2.488)

  21、Xiaoqiong Li,Wenfeng Guo,Jianqing Ding.2012.Mycangial fungus benefits the development of a leaf-rolling weevil, Euops chinesis.Journal of Insect Physiology.58:867-873.(SCI,IF:2.236)

  22、Yuanyuan Chen,Haijia Chu,Hui Liu, Yanling Liu.2012.Abundant genetic diversity of the wild rice Zizania latifolia in central China revealed by microsatellites.Annals of Applied Biology.161:192-201.(SCI,IF:2.179)

  23、Yi Wang,Lin Zhu,Xue Gu,Gregory S. Wheeler,Matthew Purcell,Jianqing Ding.2012.Pre-release assessment of Gadirtha inexacta, a proposed biological control agent of Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) in the United States.Biological Control.63:304-309.(SCI,IF:2.003)

  24、Yi Liu,Yong Tao,Kaiyuan Wan,Guoshi Zhang,Dongbi Liu,Guiyun Xiong,Fang Chen.2012.Runoff and nutrient losses in citrus orchards on sloping land subjected to different surface mulching practices in the Danjiangkou Reservoir area of China.Agricultural Water Management.110:34-40.(SCI,IF:1.998)

  25、Hongming He,Jie Zhou,Mervyn R. Peart,Ji Chen,Quanfa Zhang.2012.Sensitivity of hydrogeomorphological hazards in the Qinling Mountains,China.Quaternary International.282:37-47.(SCI,IF:1.874)

  26、Juli Carrillo,Yi Wang,Jiangqing Ding,Kyle Klootwyk,Evan Siemann.2012.Decreased indirect defense in the invasive tree,Triadica sebifera.Plant Ecology.213:945-954.(SCI,IF:1.829)

  27、Xinzeng Wei,Mingxi Jiang.2012.Limited genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation in an “ rare” relict tree,Euptelea pleiospermum (Eupteleaceae).Plant Ecology.213:909-917.(SCI,IF:1.829)

  28、Dong He,Mingxi Jiang,Xinzeng Wei.2012.A dendroclimatic investigation of radial growth–climate relationships for the riparian species Cercidiphyllum japonicum in the Shennongjia area,central China.Trees-structure And Function. 26:503-512.(SCI,IF:1.685)

  29、Kerong Zhang,Xiaoli Cheng,Haishan Dang,Chen Ye,Quanfa Zhang.2012.Soil nitrogen and denitrification potential as affected by land use and stand age following agricultural abandonment in a headwater catchment.Soil Use and Management.28:361-369.(SCI,IF:1.608)

  30、Li Wang and Fang Chen.2012.Genotypic variation of potassium uptake and use efficiency in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum).Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 175:303-308.(SCI,IF:1.596)

  31、Siyue Li,Yulong Zhang,Quanfa Zhang.2012.Interaction of landscape setting and stream flow seasonality on nitrogen concentrations in a subtropical river, China.Acta Oecologica.44:38-45.(SCI,IF:1.57)

  32、Mei Yang,Yanni Han,Liming Xu,Jiarong Zhao,Yanling Liu.2012.Comparative analysis of genetic diversity of lotus (Nelumbo) using SSR and SRAP markers.Scientia Horticulturae.142:185-195.(SCI,IF:1.527)

  33、Mingyong Zhu.2012.Soil erosion risk assessment with CORINE model: case study in the Danjiangkou Reservoir region, China.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.26:813-822.(SCI,IF:1.523)

  34、Yuanyuan Chen,Dongrui Kong,Chunhong Huang,Yongxing Xu,Zuozhou Li.2012.Microsatellite analysis reveals the genetic structure and gene flow of the aquatic quillwort Isoetes sinensis, a critically endangered species in China.Aquatic Botany.96:52-57.(SCI,IF:1.516)

  35、Jun Li,Qingfeng Wang,Robert Wahiti Gituru,Chunfeng Yang,Youhao Guo.2012.Reversible anther opening enhances male fitness in a dichogamous aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus L.,the flowering rush.Aquatic Botany.99:27-33.(SCI,IF:1.516)

  36、Xiaoqiong Li,Gregory S. Wheeler,Jianqing Ding.2012.A leaf-rolling weevil benefits from general saprophytic fungi in polysaccharide degradation.Arthropod-Plant Interactions.6:417-424.(SCI,IF:1.309)

  37、Weibo Wang,Yingcai Wang,Xiao Shu and Quanfa Zhang.2012.Physiological responses of soil crust-forming cyanobacteria to diurnal temperature variation.Journal of Basic Microbiology.52:1-9.(SCI,IF:1.266)

  38、Shuying Zhao,Shiguo Sun,Youhao Guo,Jin-Ming Chen and Qingfeng Wang. 2012. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from the invasive plant Solidago canadensis (Asteraceae).Genetics and Molecular Research.11 (1): 421-424.(SCI,IF:1.184)

  39、Xiaoli Yue,Jinming Chen, You-Hao Guo and Qingfeng Wang. 2012. Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of an endangered marsh herb, Caldesia grandis (Alismataceae).Genetics and Molecular Research 11 (3): 2412-2421.(SCI,IF:1.184)

  40、Cheng Pan,Yongning You,Ying Diao,Zhongli Hu and Jinming Chen. 2012. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for the herbaceous tuber crop, Amorphophallus konjac (Araceae).Genetics and Molecular Research.11 (4): 4617-4621. (SCI,IF:1.184)

  41、Yanling Liu,Mei Yang,Qiaoyan Xiang and Liming Xu,Xianbao Zeng,Manzhu Bao.2012.Characterization of microsatellite markers and their application for the assessment of genetic diversity among lotus accessions.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science.137(3):180-188.(sci,if:0.938)

  42、Yi Liu,Shenjiao Yang,Shiqing Li,Fang Chen.2012.Application of the Hybrid-Maize model for limits to maize productivity analysis in a semiarid environment.Scientia Agricola.69(5):300-307.(SCI,IF:0.864)

  43、Kaiyuan Wan,Yong Tao,Ruhai Li, Junfeng Pan,Leilei Tang and Fang Chen.2012.Influences of long-term different types of fertilization on weed community biodiversity in rice paddy fields.Weed Biology and Management.12: 12-21.(SCI,IF:0.707)

  44、Xiang Tan,Peiming Ma,Lirong Song,Quanfa Zhang.2012.Physiological and ultrastructural responses of microcystis aeruginosa to different phosphorus concentrations. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.21(4):838-843.(SCI,IF:0.66)

  45、Yong Tao,Li Wang,Xiao Wang,Ying Xia,Kaiyuan Wan and Fang Chen.2012.Adaptive phenotypic differences to low potassium soil of two cotton genotypes with various potassium-use efficiencies.Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.43:1984-1993.(SCI,IF:0.506)





  50、潘俊峰,万开元,陈防,程传鹏,谷健云,章力干.2012.施肥模式对砂姜黑土区土壤种子库影响的研究.生态环境学报. 21(6): 1024-1030.







  57、Fan Yang,WeiweiLiu, Jie Wang,Liao Liao,Yong Wang.2012.Riparian vegetation’s responses to the new hydrological regimes from the Three Gorges Project: Clues to revegetation in reservoir water-level-fluctuation zone.Acta Ecologica Sinica.32:89-98.



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