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报告题目:Insect ecology in a changing world: the significance of biodiversity information in the Asian tropics

人:Prof. Akihiro Nakamura

Prof. Akihiro Nakamura is the PI of the Forest Canopy Ecology Group ,Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden ,Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is an expert in forest ecology ,primarily involved in tropical forest ecology with an emphasis on the biodiversity of insects along vertical (forest canopy vs. understory) ,elevational ,and latitudinal gradients. Prof. Nakamura has published over 80 peer-reviewedarticles (H-index = 24) in journals including Trends in Ecology and EvolutionScienceEcology LettersOikosGlobal Ecology and BiogeographyJournal of Biogeography ,and Entomologia Generalis. He is acting as an editor for Biodiversity and Conservation and Integrative Conservation and a guest editor for Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.

报告题目:The geography ,diversity and conservation of C4 grassy biomes in Asia

人:Prof. Kyle Tomlinson

Prof. Kyle Tomlinsonis the PI of the Community Ecology & Conservation Group ,Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden ,Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Tomlinson's core area of interest is on understanding the ecology ,functional evolution ,and conservation of plants living in ecosystems subject to disturbance ,either natural or anthropogenic. His research is divided into three main areas: 1. The impacts of human disturbance on the community ecology of tropical rainforests. 2. The geography ,diversity and conservation of Asian savannas. 3. The ecology and evolution of spiny plants. Prof.Tomlinson has published ~80 articles to date and is acting asan associate editor of the Journal of Ecology.


